Monday, September 24, 2012

Join Me for a New Workshop!!!

 Beyond Animal Communication: 
Energy Clearing Techniques to Transform the Human-Animal Relationship
Saturday, October 13, 2012 
6:30-8:30pm, $35
Destiny Arts Theater & School
4 Tennis Court, Hamilton, NJ 
*Private clearing sessions for your animal will be offered on Sunday, Oct. 14* 
**PS: We love your animals, but they will be much more comfortable at home - please do not bring them to the workshop or private sessions. Thank you!!** 

In this 2-hour class you'll gain an introduction to applying spiritual and energetic principles to working with animals.  This workshop is suitable for everyone with an interest in animals, energy work, and spirituality, as well as healers and practitioners.  Beginning with a discussion of basic animal communication and its possibilities as well as limitations, we will go on to explore the basics of the universal energetic "laws" that govern our relationship to the animal kingdom.  We will learn how events such as physical or emotional traumas, illness, or everyday stresses create "blocks" or breaks in the energy body that can manifest at the physical, behavioral, or emotional level, and how we can assist animals to recall their own innate healing ability by facilitating removal of those blocks.  You'll learn about some of the energy techniques that work well with animals, and my go-to basic clearing technique that can re-set subconscious behavior patterns.  Together we'll experience a guided group meditation specifically geared toward introducing a safe, harmonious way to connect more deeply with the animal kingdom and with our own Higher Selves.

Destiny Arts is a fabulous school and theater for the performing arts, and is run by two dear friends of mine.  If you are in the area please check out their many classes and offerings on their website!   

I'm so excited to teach this workshop, and I hope you're be able to join us!
You can RSVP or ask questions by contacting me through the blog or my website, or contact Destiny Arts here:
609.586.ARTS (2787)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Breaking Free

Well, that was a bit more of a blogging hiatus than I anticipated...  Funny how time flies when you're trying to decide what to do next.  After a move, and a 360-degree change in lifestyle, I'm slowly remembering that change really isn't a one-shot deal, but an ongoing process.  An evolution.  It's not about the destination, but the journey, right?  Change into something else, and you will find that the something else brings even more change!

Right now we are in the time of Cancer.  Whether you follow that sort of thing or not, we can learn a lot from the tiny crab.  Astrologically speaking, just like the molting crabs whose soft-shelled state is so popular with the seafood-eating set this time of year, we are fighting our way out of the "shell" that has become too small, to limiting for us, and moving to better digs.  But, the price of that journey is a time of vulnerability and insecurity.  This year the change seems especially intense and precarious.  So much is shifting on our planet; so much chaos seems to surround us, both in the minutia of our individual lives and collectively.  Many animals I have worked with this year have chosen this time to transition, finding that this period of intense planetary change is best navigated by transforming not only their soul, but their form.  Others have pointed unequivocally to the need for humankind to re-establish Order on the planet, and that means to step up into our rightful place as stewards, not just "users," of all that is around us.

So much has been written about the changes coming in this year of 2012 - and much of it is, most likely, utter nonsense.  What is not nonsense at the collective level is that we are in a time of re-calibration.  Each living thing on this planet is being nudged towards a choice - to change, or to stay forever limited by the shells we have built for ourselves.  And the choice is not always easy.  We get pushed and pulled, nudged and prodded, and for many of us, that is enough to keep us firmly ensconced in a place that feels "safe," no matter how small it may be.  I am no different.  My path has increasingly led me to be a voice for those that have none, and yet the more I am asked to speak, the more I want to look around for others who might do the talking!  We all face these challenges, and yet I do know that unless each of us is willing to recognize our own potential - just acknowledge it, not to create it, or figure out how to make something big of it - we are consigned to forever feeling that we've somehow missed the boat.

Right now, it's like test day in school in our world.  We're being asked the big questions.  Will you buy into the chaos and darkness you see as reality, or will you accept and know that the solution is already here, that the Light IS here?  Will you step up to be who you really are, or will you be what someone else tells you to be (and someone who is NOT your Creator at that?!)?  Will you take responsibility for those who can not help themselves by ensuring that the choices you make bring more Life to all and less to none?  Will you recognize that when we choose this, then we end lack, and find that there IS enough for all?

It's scary, I'll give you that.  For most of us, this is a new way of thinking, living, being.  There might not be a traditional model to follow, there might not be the signs of what we've come to recognize as "security" around us.  But, take heart, you are just building your new home!  And it is a bigger, better one than the one you just left, without limit or restriction, and probably with some cool new features too.  Scary? Yep. Hard? Yep. Worth a shot? Yep.

For a crab, it's a matter of survival.  And so, ultimately, it is for us as well.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Upcoming Class - Wednesday, Feb. 8. 2012

I'm very excited to announce that I will be participating this week in a teleclass with Kelle Eli, who is a phenomenal spiritual mentor and coach, and who I've been lucky enough to work with for several years.

"Coming into Right Relationship with the Kingdoms" is a class about spiritual ecology - how our spiritual growth affects the world around us, and particularly those kingdoms below our human one, animal, vegetable, and mineral, that look to us for leadership.

Looking at some of the wisdom of the Old Testament, alongside more new age concepts, and utilizing many of her core teaching principles, Kelle will help us all to have a better understanding of the limits and disinformation that often keep us at odds with the world around us.

Kelle will be interviewing me towards the end of the program as we discuss some of the specific ways that we can better relate to the animal kingdom, and how some of the changes coming to to the planet in 2012 affect our animals.

Join us for "Coming into Right Relationship with the Kingdoms" on
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at 8:00pm ET/7pmCT.

Cost is $33 and includes an MP3 download, so if you can't make it live, you can listen later too!

Click Here to visit Kelle's website and get registered!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Web Update

Yes, the blog has been on a long hiatus! I've been busily working on some other projects, and thinking up some new things to write about. In the meantime, I'd like to announce the launch of my website - finally! This is the main thing that's kept me distracted from blogging, but I hope the content, and the answers to many questions I've received in the last few years, will be worth it. It will also streamline my booking process for appointments, which should make us all happy!

You can check it out at

And, if you mention the blog, I'll give you a 10% discount when you book a session in January 2012!

See you back here soon -