Monday, September 24, 2012

Join Me for a New Workshop!!!

 Beyond Animal Communication: 
Energy Clearing Techniques to Transform the Human-Animal Relationship
Saturday, October 13, 2012 
6:30-8:30pm, $35
Destiny Arts Theater & School
4 Tennis Court, Hamilton, NJ 
*Private clearing sessions for your animal will be offered on Sunday, Oct. 14* 
**PS: We love your animals, but they will be much more comfortable at home - please do not bring them to the workshop or private sessions. Thank you!!** 

In this 2-hour class you'll gain an introduction to applying spiritual and energetic principles to working with animals.  This workshop is suitable for everyone with an interest in animals, energy work, and spirituality, as well as healers and practitioners.  Beginning with a discussion of basic animal communication and its possibilities as well as limitations, we will go on to explore the basics of the universal energetic "laws" that govern our relationship to the animal kingdom.  We will learn how events such as physical or emotional traumas, illness, or everyday stresses create "blocks" or breaks in the energy body that can manifest at the physical, behavioral, or emotional level, and how we can assist animals to recall their own innate healing ability by facilitating removal of those blocks.  You'll learn about some of the energy techniques that work well with animals, and my go-to basic clearing technique that can re-set subconscious behavior patterns.  Together we'll experience a guided group meditation specifically geared toward introducing a safe, harmonious way to connect more deeply with the animal kingdom and with our own Higher Selves.

Destiny Arts is a fabulous school and theater for the performing arts, and is run by two dear friends of mine.  If you are in the area please check out their many classes and offerings on their website!   

I'm so excited to teach this workshop, and I hope you're be able to join us!
You can RSVP or ask questions by contacting me through the blog or my website, or contact Destiny Arts here:
609.586.ARTS (2787)